Information from GSID Office

Zoom link for the first class of “Rural Economics” (Wednesday, 1st period)

Dear students,

We would like to inform you of the following information regarding the spring semester, Wednesday, 1st period, “Rural Economics” (Coordinator SOMEYA-sensei, Offered by USAMI Koichi-sensei).

This lecture will be conducted online.

Students who have registered for the class and those who are considering taking the class are requested to attend the first class via the Zoom link below.


Dear Students (GSID),

I am inviting you to the class “Rural Economics”on April 12. The information on ZOOM meeting are as follows:

Topic トピック: Rural Economics No.1
Date & Time 時間: April 12, 2023. 08:45 2023年4月12日 08:30 AM 大阪、札幌、東京


Meeting ID ミーティングID: 815 3408 6196
Passcode パスコード: etpT7i

Do not forget to find out an attached file that we use at the class.

Rural Economics No.1

Sincerely yours,

Koichi USAMI (@Sri Lanka)