Procedure for Ph.D. Dissertation Presentation

Procedure for Ph.D. Dissertation Presentation

  • ・In order to submit a Ph.D. dissertation, doctoral students must earn a total of six credits from Ph.D. Dissertation Research I, II, III (2 credits for each).
  • ・In principle, doctoral students are required to make three presentations for Ph.D. Dissertation, one per year.
  • ・By passing these presentations, students can earn credits for Ph.D. Dissertation Research I, II, III. Doctoral students can earn up to 2 credits in one semester.
  • ・Doctoral students who do not complete the Plagiarism Prevention Orientation (GSID Research Integrity Workshop from April 2024) will not be allowed to make a presentation for Ph.D. dissertation.
  • From April, 2024, GSID students are required to take the TACT e-learning “Avoiding Plagiarism” every year. DC students are required to submit a screenshot of the confirmation screen after taking the TACT e-learning “Avoiding Plagiarism” to their academic advisor at the time of the Presentation for Ph.D. Dissertation 1/2/3. The screenshot must be pasted onto the final page of the Doctoral Research Progress Report.
    For more information on TACT e-learning “Avoiding Plagiarism”, please refer to ③ of this Webpage.※As of March 31, 2025, the TACT e-learning “Avoiding Plagiarism” course is no longer offered.

Please follow the procedure below for Ph.D. presentations.

Documents to be submitted before presentation for Ph.D. dissertation Deadline Documents to be submitted after presentation for Ph.D. dissertation
Presentation for Ph.D. Dissertation 1 Doctoral Research Progress Report

・Research Proposal

・Composition of the enrire doctoral dissertation

・Necessary documents for the presentation (PPT, PDF, etc.)

Submit to the main and sub-supervisors (3 professors) at least one week prior to the reporting date. After the presentations for Ph.D. dissertation, prepare the Question and Answer Sheet of D1 (D2, D3) Presentation of D1 (D2, D3) Presentation and obtain approval from the supervisors.

D3 students planning to earn a Ph.D.  must pass D3 presentation by the following months;

・For those wishing to obtain a doctoral degree at the end of March, by the end of October.

・For those wishing to obtain a doctoral degree at the end of September, by the end of April.

・Those wishing to earn the status of “all but dissertation” (ABD) must pass the oral presentation by one month before getting the status.

Presentations for Ph.D. Dissertation 2 Doctoral Research Progress Report

・Papers that correspond to one major chapter (excluding the introductory chapter and literature review chapter) of the doctoral dissertation.(revised on April 20, 2022)

・Necessary documents for the presentation (PPT, PDF, etc.)

Presentations for Ph.D. Dissertation 3 Doctoral Research Progress Report

・The table of contents and a summary of the entire Ph.D. dissertation

・A major chapter of the dissertation or a summary of the theoretical or empirical results (including the data)

・A copy of a publication (either a published academic paper or published book)※

・Necessary documents for the presentation (PPT, PDF, etc.)

※See “22-01DE Supplementary Rules on Implementation of the Rules on the Requirements of the Doctoral Program in the Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University” ( “Student Handbook ” for details).