Administrative Procedure Forms

* Well consult with your academic advisor and get your academic advisor’s approval.
Please submit the form to GSID Office by attaching an email from your academic advisor. A seal from your academic advisor is not required.

*If you are leaving Japan on withdrawing from school, etc., you must follow the procedures specified below and prepare for your departure several months in advance by referring to the Pre-Departure Checklist .

Subject Deadline for submission Form

Research/Guidance Plan

All Mater’s/Doctoral students must submit the Research Plan to their academic advisors according to the following deadlines every year, regardless of grade.

After submission, your academic advisor will provide research guidance and prepare a Research Guidance Plan. The Research plan for the second and subsequent grades should be submitted by overwriting the Research/Guidance Plan that was overwritten by the academic advisor in the previous year.

【E-learning that you should take before submitting your Research/Guidance Plan】

From April, 2024, GSID students are required to take the TACT e-learning “Avoiding Plagiarism” every year.

For more information on TACT e-learning “Avoiding Plagiarism”, please refer to ③ of this Webpage.

GSID students are required to report to their academic advisor after taking the course to confirm their attendance as follows

For MC students,

Submit a screenshot of the confirmation screen after taking the course to their supervisor by pasting it on the final page of the Research/Guidance Plan.

For DC students,

When you counduct Presentation for Ph.D. Dissertation 1/2/3, a screenshot of the confirmation screen after taking “Avoiding Plagiarism” needs to be pasted onto the final page of the Doctoral Research Progress Report and submitted to the supervisor. So it is not necessary to attach a screenshot of the confirmation screen to the Research/Guidance Plan. But the e-learning must be taken.

※As of March 31, 2025, the TACT e-learning “Avoiding Plagiarism” course is no longer offered.

【Deadlines for submission of Research/Guidance Plan】

Master’s students enrolled in April: to be submitted by the end of April to their academic advisors.

Master’s students enrolled in October: to be submitted by the end of October to their academic advisors.

The M1 students should submit the plan to their faculty advisors, and the M2 students should submit the plan to their main academic advisors.

Doctoral students enrolled in April: to be submitted by the end of April to their main academic advisors.

Doctoral students enrolled in October: to be submitted by the end of October to their main academic advisors.

【Frequently Asked Questions】

Q.I missed the deadline for submitting my own plan for the current academic year because I returned to school after a leave of absence. Should I submit it at the timing of the October (April) enrollment deadline, which is different from my own enrollment period?

A. In principle, you should submit your plan at the next timing of the submission following your own enrollment period.
If your circumstances have changed from your original plan before your leave of absence and you wish to revise your plan, you may voluntarily make it at the timing of your return to school and submit it to your academic advisor, so please consult with your academic advisor.

MC Students Research/Guidance Plan(MC)


DC Students

Research/Guidance Plan for DC April entrants

Research/Guidance Plan for DC October entrants

Change of Address/Mobile Phones/Personal E-Mail Adress

For new students,

You are required to fill in address and other information (at the time of registration) before registering for courses on the screen for “Course/Grades>Course Registration”, not on the “Various Change Notification” on the screen below.

GSID Doctoral students do not need to register for courses, but you should enter your address and other information from the Course/Grades>Course Registration screen.

For current students,

You can make a new registration and/or check your current registration information on the Application for change of address, etc. screen.

NU Portal> Student Affairs > Course registration and grading>Various Change Notification
>Application for change of address, etc.>Change of Address and/or Change of Mobile Phones, Mail

・Please do not omit the street address, apartment name, room number, etc. when you  change your address on NU portal.

<For students with a residence card>

・Please send a PDF of your residence card to the GSID office by e-mail as soon as the change of address on your residence card is completed.

Web application from Nagoya University Portal

Leave of Absence

2 months before the start of the leave of absence. Request for Leave of Absence from students who have not paid the tuition fee cannot be accepted.
・If you take a leave of absence from April to September: Early February
・If you take a leave of absence from October to March: Early AugustWhen students wish to temporarily suspended their studies for at least three months due to illness or other reasons, they may take a leave of absence with the permission of the dean of the graduate school. As a general rule, the leave of absence should start at the beginning of the semester (April or October).
A leave of absence may not exceed continuous period of one year; provided that a further ongoing leave of absence may be permitted for persons with special circumstances.
The total duration of leaves of absence may not exceed two years during the Master’s Program and three years during the Doctoral Program.
Request for Leave of Absence

Extension of Leave

The end of 2 months before the first month of extension Request for Permission to Extend Leave of Absence

Return to School

The end of 2 months before the first month of return

As a general rule, the start time for returning to school is the beginning of the semester (April or October).

Notice of Reinstatement / Request for Reinstatement


The end of the previous month before withdrawal

If a student withdraws in the Spring semester, the tuition fee for the Spring
semester must have been paid. In case of the withdrawal in the Fall of a semester, it is necessary to pay the tuition for Spring and Fall semester.

Request for Withdrawal from students who have not paid the tuition fee cannot be accepted.

*Full payment of tuition is required even if you withdraw in the middle of a term.
Also, tuition payments will not be refunded regardless of the reason for withdrawal.

Request for Withdrawal

Changing Academic Advisor

The end of 2 months before the first day of changing Request to Add / Change Academic Advisor

All but Dissertation

Any time when you meet certain conditions, your academic advisor is supposed to submit.

The status of “all but dissertation” (ABD) may be granted to students who have obtained all the credits necessary for the fulfillment of the Doctoral Program, but who have not submitted a Ph. D. dissertation yet. The GSID Faculty Meeting decides on this matter upon the request from the academic advisor working for them.

If you wish to earn the status of ABD, please consult with your academic advisor.

In particular, those who wish to earn the status of ABD in the middle of a semester should notify their academic advisor before the beginning of that semester and also notify GSID office through their academic advisor.

If no request is made before the beginning of that semester, full tuition will be charged for the semester.

Those wishing to earn the status of ABD must meet the following requirements.

・Have passed the Ph.D. Dissertation Research III by the end of the month before the month of getting the status.
・Have enrolled in the the Doctoral Program for at least 3 years, excluding periods of leave of absence.
・Have paid tuition fees (excluding those exempted from tuition fees)

Statement of Research Completion

Overseas Travel (including temporary return)

Before traveling abroad (for whatever purpose), fill in the “Overseas Travel Database” and submit the “Overseas Travel Notification” to GSID Office through your academic advisor. In the event of any emergency situations that occur overseas such as the spread of infectious disease, terrorist attacks, etc., the University will alert students registered in the Overseas Travel Database.

Please be sure to read this before traveling abroad, including temporarily returning to your home country.

1. Traveling Abroad and Overseas 

2. Study Abroad Insurance (“futai-kaigaku”) Application Forms

※Total Support Service (Optional)

Insurance Fee

*Those who wish to apply should submit the Application Form「登録票」etc  to GSID Office by email.

Useful information for overseas travel: Handbook on Overseas Travel (only in Japanese)

Nagoya University Overseas travel database

Confirmation note for the preparation of Study Abroad

No need of submission:
Just check out if everything is prepared for your study abroad.
Confirmation note for the preparation of Study Abroad


校閲を行う前まで 日本語校閲依頼申請書

Application Form for Credits

Within three months after the completion of the fieldwork See “Application for Credits by Participating Internship/Fieldwork)
* Maximum Duration of Enrollment

The maximum duration of enrollment shall be four years for the Master’s Program and six years for the Doctoral Program.

However, the standard minimum duration of studies for Master’s Program (Special Program for Global Business
Professionals) shall be one year.
Thus, the maximum duration of enrollment shall be two years for the special program.

*Notes on beyond the standard period of enrollment

If you are not completing, gaining the status of ABD or withdrawing from the university at the end of the standard period of enrollment (two years for the Master’s Program and three years for the Doctoral Program, excluding the period of leave of absence), your student status will automatically continue in the MC/DC program and do not need to submit a form.
However, please pay close attention to the following points.

・Tuition fees
In case you do not take the leave-of-absence procedures by the deadline, you will be required to pay tuition fees for the spring semester in late May and tuition fees for the fall semester in late November.
For details on tuition fees, please refer to the following

Nagoya University ALWAYS NU
Nagoya University Academics / Campus Life (

・Student ID Card
Renewal of student ID cards that expire at the end of March or September
If your student ID card expires at the end of March, you will receive a new card in early April; if it expires at the end of September, you will receive a new card in early October after exchanging it with your current one at the Student Support Section, Academic Affairs Division.

・Renewal of VISA Status/Extension of Period of Stay
Please pay extra attention to the procedures for renewal of your VISA.
When you have less than three months to go before your VISA expires, please visit the Nagoya Regional Immigration Bureau to renew your VISA.For more details, please click here.

・”Gakkensai” and “Student Liability Insurance (Student Insurances provided by the University Co-op)”

All students in the GSID are required to purchase  insurances from April 2024.

If you remain at the university beyond the standard period of enrollment, to purchase insurances is required again.


For inquiries on subscription procedures, please visit the Student Support Desk, Student Affairs Division, Schools of Humanities & Social
Sciences “BUNKEI”.

Location of the Student Support Desk
(1F, Integrated Research Bldg. for Humanities and Social Sciences“BUNKEI”, Nagoya university)

Student Liability Insurance (Student Insurances provided by the University Co-op)

Only international students are required to purchase this student liability insurance.

For inquiries on subscription procedures, please visit

Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus, Northern Welfare Hall”北部厚生会館”, 1st floor

Nagoya University Consumer Cooperative Association Member’s Corner

・The Yearly Information Security Check
All the members of Nagoya University have to take Yearly Information Security Check every year.
When you have not taken Yearly Information Security Check, your Nagoya University ID will be locked.

For details on The Yearly Information Security Check, please refer to the following

SelfInspectionManual_en.pdf (

年次情報セキュリティチェック | 名古屋大学 情報連携推進本部 (

If you have any questions other than the above, please contact GSID office.