Research Integrity and the Use of “Turnitin” for Plagiarism Prevention

Research Ethics and Integrity at Nagoya University

Nagoya University has established the “Basic Policy for Conducting Research Ethics at Nagoya University” in order to conduct appropriate research activities.

Promotion of Appropriate Research at Nagoya University ( in Japanese only )

Measures to prevent research misconduct

Research Integrity Policy at GSID

GSID is also committed to conducting appropriate research and has implemented the GSID Research Integrity Guidance.
It is composed of two sections.

GSID Research Integrity Guidance (Implemented under the current framework from April 2025)

Guidance Format

Eligible Students Details
①GSID Research Integrity Workshop

Conducted as “the GSID Plagiarism Avoidance Workshop ” until AY2023.

face-to-face New MC/DC students and research students Course frequency:1 time at the time of enrollment

It is part of the orientation for new GSID students.

September 30 (Mon) 14:05~14:35 (Auditorium)

*Attendance of this guidance is a prerequisite for submitting a master’s
thesis and doctoral dissertation, and all students must take it at the time of admission.

*Attendance at this workshop is a prerequisite for receiving a student ID card.

*Harassment workshop will be held after the research integrity workshop. Student ID cards will be given after the orientation for new GSID students.

②Research Integrity Training Course

(Academic Writing Skills a)

face-to-face New MC students enrolling in April
MC students who enrolled in October of the previous year
Course frequency: 1 time when attending “Academic Writing Skills a”
To be given in class at the beginning of “Academic Writing Skills a” (Spring Semester, required, two credits).
③Avoiding Plagiarism

※As of March 31, 2025, the TACT e-learning “Avoiding Plagiarism” course is no longer offered.

TACT All MC and DC students
( Full-time students only)
Course frequency: Every year

Course Due Date: By the end of April every year (For new students enrolling in October, by the end of October)

Take the e-learning course “How to Avoid Plagiarism” on TACT provided by the Doctoral Education Consortium, Nagoya University.

The TACT site will be available for access in early April every academic year.

(New students entering in October will be able to access the site in October 3.)

How to Take the Course

How to

Course Report

GSID students are required to report to their academic advisor after taking the course to confirm their completion of the e-learing as follows

(The timing of reporting to the academic advisor depends on when the student enrolls for MC students and when the D1, D2, and D3 presentations are conducted for DC students, but all students should complete the e-learning course by the end of April.)

For MC students,

Submit a screenshot of the confirmation screen after taking the course to their supervisor by pasting it on the final page of the Research/Guidance Plan.

For DC students,

When you counduct Presentation for Ph.D. Dissertation 1/2/3, a screenshot of the confirmation screen after taking “Avoiding Plagiarism” needs to be pasted onto the final page of the Doctoral Research Progress Report and submitted to the supervisor.

Students who wish to further their understanding of research ethics can also find the following E-Learing.
Education on research ethics: Use of E-Learning Program (eAPRIN)
*Registration is required. (Guidance is in Japanese. E-learning is both in Japanese and in English)
For more information, please click here to take the E-learning.

Plagiarism Prevention and the Use of “Turnitin”

Manual on the use of Turnitin

As part of our academic activities to promote research integrity, GSID requires all research outcomes, including dissertations, master’s theses, and term papers, to be checked using Turnitin (plagiarism verification software).

1. Please register for a Turnitin account using your THERS (Nagoya university) email address. “” (e-mail address distributed by the university).

2. See page 2 of the manual for Class ID (not your own student ID number) and Enrollment key for DIDC M Papers.

3. DIDC papars previously used for DC students have expired for the class and are no longer available.

Please register for the DIDC M Papers class to use turnitin. This is a temporary arrangement.

In the very near future, DIDC M Papers will also no longer be available and will have to be moved to a new class separately. Details will be announced in the next academic year.

4. If you have already created an turnitin account that is active, please add the Class ID and Enrollment key from the Enroll in a class page after logging into Turnitin.

Regarding the Use of Generative AI

Please refer to the following information.

Regarding the Use of Generative AI