Student Handbook / Academic Calendar / Course Timetable / Course Plan / Check Sheet for the Completion of Program

Student Handbook

Please check the Student Handbook for your year of admission. However, if updated versions are listed below, the updated version should also be checked.

Please note that an updated version of the Course Plan will be uploaded in the “Course Plan” section below, so please check there for the latest version.

Academic Calendar

Course Timetable

*Classes may be held in lecture rooms in buildings other than the GSID building, such as for classes offered by Cooperating Unit, so please check the course timetable carefully.

*For the location of lecture rooms in the GSID building, please refer to the “Guideline for GSID Facilities/Building Layout” below.

*Class hours are as follows
1st period 8:45 – 10:15
2nd period 10:30 – 12:00
3rd period 13:00 – 14:30
4th Period 14:45 – 16:15
5th period 16:30 – 18:00

*The Course Timetable for the following year is usually released in the mid-March.

Nagoya University Map

Please use a map below as well.

To switch languages, access the link below and click on the menu in the upper right corner. Then click on the “言語/Language” button.

Guideline for GSID Facilities/Building Layout

Note that during the hours when you use your student ID card to enter the building, you can only enter with the card reader at the main entrance.

Course Plan

*The Course Plan for the following year is usually released in the mid-March.

Note) The following classes will not be offered unless the instructor is listed in the course plan.
Each program's Lecture A, Lecture B, Special Lecture A and Special Lecture B


*The Syllabus for the following year is usually released in the mid-March.

Nagoya University Syllabus System

How to easily check the syllabus after logging in to the Nagoya University Portal

*This function is valid only during the course registration period.

*Due to Syllabus system specification, the column of Instructor may be as follows.
TBD(GSID)*displayed in the case of new teachers
Please check the actual teacher in charge of the class in the timetable or course plan.

Check Sheet for the Completion of Program

For students in the master’s program
Important Notice

Students are solely responsible for tracking the number of earned credits and planning to fulfill the requirements for the Master’s program completion.
Thus, make sure to go through the Student Handbook repeatedly and stay informed well of every related regulation.
Also, check the number of earned credits carefully at every end of the semester to see if you are in the right way.
We also recommend planning to earn a few more credits than the minimum requirement of 30 credits to avoid any unexpected failures.

Consultation on Research Supervision and Courses

Please consult with your academic advisor and/or the head of your specialized field, course, or special program if you have any difficulties.

Heads of specialized fields, courses, and special programs are as follows:

Program in “Economic Development Policy and Management” Prof. Tetsuo UMEMURA
Program in “Education and Human Resource Development”    Prof. Shoko YAMADA 
Program in “Inclusive Society and State”            Prof. Takeshi HIGASHIMURA
Program in “Peace and Governance”             Prof. Tomoko ISHIKAWA 
Program in “Poverty and Social Policy”                  Prof. Sanae ITO
Global Leader and Career Course                Prof. Aya OKADA
Special Program in “Global Business Professionals”              Prof. Aya OKADA

Check Sheet for the Completion of Major Program (for students enrolled in and after AY2023)

*All other than the Program in “Peace and Governance”will remain unchanged from the AY2022 version, so please see below.

Check Sheet for the Completion of Major Program (for students enrolled in and after AY2022, Peace and Governance for students enrolled in AY2022)

*Additional information on  the Subject Category “Applied Subjects”  in the Economic Development Policy and Management Program and the Education and Human Resource Development Program.

Program Subjects of this program and other programs in GSID ;Program Basic Subjects and Program Core Subjects of programs in GSID

Check Sheet for the Completion of Major Program (for students enrolled in AY2020 & AY2021)

Application Form for the Completion of Minor Program
How to apply for the minor program
When submitting Application for Master’s thesis evaluation at M2 to GSID Office via your advisor, please submit the application form below at the same time.
A seal from your academic advisor is not required.
Even if you are applying for two or more minor programs, please submit a single application form.
Requirements for the Completion of Global Leader Career Course

For the information on the GLCC, please refer to the following.

Global Leader Career Course – Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University (

In this course, students are required to earn 10 credits of practical subjects in addition to a minimum of 30 credits required in their main programs for a Master’s Degree.

In April 2022, the curriculum for Master’s program has been partially revised for students entering in/after the AY2022.

Along with the revision, “Academic Writing Skills a” is a required course in the Master’s program, Students who wish to complete the GLCC should pay close attention to “Academic Writing Skills b”, as it is also necessary to earn credits for the completion of GLCC.

For details on GLCC completion requirements, please refer to the “Rules on “Global Leader Career Course” in Professional Education Program, Course and Program Requirements, and Approval of Credits in the Master’s Program (Regular Program)” in the Student Handbook.

Check Sheet for the Completion of the MEXT Special Doctoral Program for Private Sector Development to Achieve Sustainable Economic Growth in Asia
For students in the doctoral program enrolled from 10/1/2018 to 10/1/2020 who are part of the MEXT Special Program for Private Sector Development to Achieve Sustainable Economic Growth in Asia