Submission of Master’s Thesis

Outline of Submission of Master’s Thesis


Submission of Master’s Thesis

Important Notice

1) Please make sure that the title of your Master’s Thesis and your name appear the same way on all documents.

  • Make sure to use exactly the same punctuations. (e.g.”―” is distinguished from “-“)
  • A capital letter is distinguished from a small letter.
  • Your name should appear in the order of surname (in capital letters), given name (only the initial letter should begin with a capital letter), and middle name (only the initial letter should begin with a capital letter) by Nagoya University regulation.
   Surname: abcdefg
   Given name: nagoya
   Middle name: japan
   In the order of Name by Nagoya University regulation: ABCDEFG Nagoya Japan
* According to Nagoya University regulation, your name written on Diploma is the same as in the order of name stated above.
*  If you have any problems with this regulation, for example, in the case there is no distinction between your first and last name in your home country,etc., please make sure to correct  the name shown in the “Diploma Details Confirmation Form”.

2) The format of the title should follow the rules below.
 ・The case of English paper follows the capitalization rules.
    ・Subtitle shall be as follows.   
In the case of English paper, separate them with “:” (one-byte character-colon).
In the case of Japanese paper, separate them with “―” (two-byte character-dash).

3) If you have not taken the GSID Plagiarism Avoidance Workshop (online) that you are required to attend at the time of admission, you will not be able to submit your master’s thesis. 

Before Oral Examination

Submission deadline Submission object Details to Where
【September graduation, 2024】
Friday, May 24, 2024
16:00 (Be Punctual)



【March graduation, 2025】
Friday, November 22, 2024
16:00 (Be Punctual)

Application for Master’s thesis evaluation Excel
■ File name: masterthesis2024_student ID
Example: masterthesis2024_302301000

*Any delay will not be accepted.
*The format of the title should follow the rules above.

Be careful about grammatical and spelling mistakes including capital/small letters. Even such mistakes will require official procedures with the approval from your academic advisor to be corrected.

*If your country of origin is not on the list, please include the official name of your country in the body of the email, which you will submit to your academic advisor.

<Application for the minor program>
When submitting Application for Master’s thesis evaluation, please submit the application form for the minor program at the same time. A seal from your academic advisor is not required.

The prescribed format is downloadable from the GSID website below.

GSID website>Educational Affairs>Student Handbook / Academic Calendar / Course Timetable / Course Plan / Check Sheet for the Completion of Program…
>Application Form for the Completion of Minor Program


Send the file to your advisor via email. Upon his confirmation, please ask him to forward it to GSID Office at

In this manner, we will skip the advisor’s seal.

Diploma Details Confirmation Form

[How to fill in]

Single original

Diplomas will be issued with the notation of your name as verified on the Diploma Details Confirmation Form. Please read the How to fill in and Example carefully before proceeding.

Once diplomas is issued, it cannot be reissued or modified, etc. Please check the notice thoroughly.

If you make any changes to the spelling of name or name order originally shown in the “Diploma Details Confirmation Form”, both a copy of your passport and an official document, e.g., a copy of your Bachelor’s Diploma, used in your home country should be attached to the corrected form when you submit it to us.

The form will be distributed in the mailbox in room 305.

A notification will be sent separately after the distribution is completed.


How to open the post mail box

Postbox in front of GSID Office

【September graduation, 2024】
Friday, June 28, 2024
16:00 (Be Punctual)



【March graduation, 2025】
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
16:00 (Be Punctual)

Reapplication for Changing a Master’s Thesis Title Word
■ File name: reapplication_student ID
Example: reapplication_302301000

* Only for those who will change thesis titles

The same as *1 above
Withdrawal of Application of Master’s thesis Evaluation Word
■ File name: withdrawal_student ID
Example: withdrawal_302301000



* Only for those who will withdraw the applications

The same as *1 above

Master’s thesis

Beginning with the procedures for students completing in September 2023, there are some changes to the submission format and instructions. Follow the instructions updated below.
Submission deadline Submission object Details to Where
【September graduation, 2024】
Friday, July 5, 2024
16:00 (Be Punctual)



【March graduation, 2025】
Friday, January 10, 2025
16:00 (Be Punctual)

Master’s thesis* 

[Layout and format Updated June 2023]

The following format should be used to prepare the thesis.

For Academic Year 2024,

Japanese thesis format

English thesis format


* Obtain final approval from the academic advisor before submitting the master’s thesis to TACT

* A single PDF combined in the following order

■ File name: thesis2024_student ID
Example: thesis2024_302301000

1. Cover page (Included in the format listed on the left side of the section.)
2. Confirmation Form for Plagiarism Check(Included in the format listed on the left side of the section.)
3. Checklist for Master’s Thesis Submission(Included in the format listed on the left side of the section.)
4. Summary of the thesis
5. Main body of the thesis

* For more information on plagiarism checks, please refer to the following

[How to Check Plagiarism]

[Click here for the Turn it in manual]

If you would like to enroll in Turnitin’s DIDC M Papers class, See page 2 of the Turnitin manual for the DIDC M Papers class ID and enrollment key.

*For the Checklist for Master’s Thesis Submission, check the items and enter a ✓ mark in the applicant confirmation column.

Post a PDF file on TACT

TACT Site: AY2024 Master Thesis Before Oral Examination GSID

*Please be very careful not to submit the wrong master’s thesis data. You may resubmit an assignment up to the deadline.

Even if you submit the wrong file, the following actions will be taken.

1.No replacement of the master’s thesis will be accepted after the deadline.

2.If necessary, please explain any corrections or additions by yourself at the time of the oral examination.

3.After the oral examination, the applicant will be required to submit a PDF file of the final version of the master’s thesis.Please be sure to make appropriate corrections in the final version of your master’s thesis

Oral Examination

【September graduation, 2024】 Friday, July 19, 2024 *Timetable will be informed by email and on the “Information from GSID Office” about one week before.
【March graduation, 2025】 Thursday, January 30, 2025


Submission deadline Submission object Details to Where
【September graduation, 2024】
Not conducted

【March graduation, 2025】
Thursday, February 13, 2025


Questionnaire on the evaluation of Master’s program

After the oral examination, please respond to the questionnaire and submit online.


  Submit a response on the web

After  Oral Examination

The awardees of master’s degree who meet all completion requirements (including passing the oral defense) will be announced on the “Information from GSID Office“ in the early September/March.

Submission deadline Submission object Details to Where
【September graduation, 2024】
Friday, August 23, 2024
16:00 (Be Punctual)

Submission will be accepted after Wednesday, July 24 only


【March graduation, 2025】
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
16:00 (Be Punctual)

Submission will be accepted after Wednesday, February 5 only

1.Post a master’s thesis on TACT

Any simple mistakes should be corrected following the advice given at the Oral Defense before posting a master’s thesis on TACT.

All students must submit a final version, even if no revision is indicated.

* The name on the cover page should be written in the notation of the name that will appear on the diploma as verified on the Diploma Details Confirmation Form.

* If the title of the final version of the master’s thesis has been revised from the title registered in the Application for Master’s thesis evaluation (or from the title indicated in the Reapplication for Changing a Master’s Thesis Title if the reappliication has been submitted), send an e-mail to the GSID office and include your supervisor in the CC.

E-mail subject: Final title of master’s thesis

Body of e-mail: Final title of master’s thesis with your name and student number

2.Please notify us whether or not your master’s thesis can be open to the public with filling out the form below.


A single PDF combined in the following order

■ File name: thesis2024_student ID
Example: thesis2024_302301000

1. Cover page
2. Main body of the thesis

For the final version of the Master’s thesis, the followings should not be included in the PDF file.

・Confirmation Form for Plagiarism Check
・Checklist for Master’s Thesis Submission
・ Summary of the thesis

1.Post a PDF file on TACT

TACT Site: AY2024 Master Thesis After Oral Examination GSID

2.Submit a response on the web

Announcement on awardees of master’s degree

【September graduation, 2024】 Early September *The awardees of master’s degree who meet the following completion requirements will be announced on the “Information from GSID Office“.
【March graduation, 2025】 Early March
Upon graduation, the preparation for graduation must be completed by the due date.
In addition, each student should check the Pre-Departure Checklist and prepare the relevant sections several months in advance.

Completion requirements

Master’s students must remain enrolled at least two years (one year in the case of Special Program for Global Business Professionals) in principle, acquire a minimum of 30 credits as regulated by GSID, and pass the examination and evaluation of the master’s thesis following the necessary guidance from academic advisors.


Field of academic degree printed on a diploma will differ depending on admission year and / or department.
“Master of Arts in International Development” for DID or DICOS students entering between 2006 and 2017, and all students entering in 2018 or later.
“Master of Arts” for DICOM students entering between 2006 and 2017