Information from GSID Office

AY2023 Fall Semester Adjustment period regarding course registration 

Dear students,

Adjustment period regarding course registration for AY2023 Fall Semester is as follows.

If you have missed a course registration or wish to correct it, be sure to take action during the following period.

It is necessary to register for not only Fall classes but also Fall Intensive lectures during this class registration period.

October 3 (Tue, from 9:00 AM) to October 11 (Wed, until 1:00 PM), JST

If you fail to register for a course by the deadline ”September 21”or make corrections such as adding courses during the subsequent adjustment period, the registration information will only be  transferred to TACT only after October 25 (Tue).

The fall semester will start from October 2. If you would like to join the TACT sites before the reflection, please ask the lecturers to add you to the TACT sites individually.

In this case, you need to ask the lecturer  to add you to the TACT site manually via email or on the first day of the course.
You can find the lecturer’s email address on the GSID website, and make sure to include your name, student number and the title of the course in your email.

Please carefully check the following information regarding course registration once again.

Course Registration and Grading