Information from GSID Office

Request of Taking the Yearly Information Security Check for Academic Year 2023

Inquiries regarding this matter:
IT Help Desk, Information Infrastructure Division, Information and Communications
Technology Services Department
TEL : Ext. 6389
Email :


Dear GSID students,

Please follow the guidance below regarding the implementation of the “Yearly Information Security Check for Academic Year 2023”.

All people that Nagoya University ID is published for have to finish this Security Check.

Students (undergraduate, graduate and research students etc.) who enrolled in AY2023
must take the Yearly Information Security Check for Academic Year 2023.

It is different from the “Information Security Training for New Students for Academic Year
2023” you have completed at the time of your enrollment.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the above.


To all Nagoya University members

Request of Taking the Yearly Information Security Check for Academic Year 2023

For all the people using a network of Nagoya University, the Yearly Information Security
Check for Academic Year 2023 is carried out. Please register your email address after
completing the Yearly Information Security Check for Academic Year 2023.


1.Please complete by Monday, May 8th.(It continues after May 9th.)

2.All people that Nagoya University ID is published for.

3.How to take the Self-Inspection:
(1) Access the Nagoya University Portal (
(2) Sign in using “Multi-Factor Authentication CAS”.
(3) Click the link listed in Campus Topics under the Campus tab, and proceed to the “Yearly
Information Security Check”.
(4) You may take the Yearly Information Security Check for Academic Year 2023 in either
English or Japanese. The Japanese version is titled “2023 年度年次情報セキュリティチェ
(5) Start the Yearly Information Security Check for Academic Year 2023.

4. Please note the following points:
(1) Students (undergraduate, graduate and research students etc.) who enrolled in AY2023
must take the Yearly Information Security Check for Academic Year 2023 also. It is
different from the “Information Security Training for New Students for Academic Year
2023” you have completed at the time of your enrollment.