Information from GSID Office

(Nagoya University‐wide)AY2023 Request of Taking the TACT: e-learning “How to Avoid Plagiarism”

Dear New MC1/DC1 students entering in April 2023,

Please be sure to take the TACT: e-learning “How to Avoid Plagiarism” by the due date, as notified below.

Who should take the course:New MC1/DC1 students entering in April 2023,

Deadline:28 April, Fri.


User Guide: How to Avoid Plagiarism

1. Go to the TACT website. (

2.Log in with your THERS Account and password.

3.For the Japanese course, click on“2023_盗用を回避するには” displayed on the tab “Membership”, and for the English course, click on “2023_Avoiding Plagiarism”.
Please take either the Japanese version or the English version.

4.Follow the guideline and start the course.

5.Training will be considered completed by scoring at least 80 out of a maximum score of 100 for the Comprehension Test. It is necessary to re-take the test until a score of at least 80 is achieved (multiple re-takes are allowed). You can check pass/fail from “Gradebook”.

参考情報 Information
■TACT FAQ (for students)
■How to change the language setting to English on TACT.
The language can be set to English. Operate it as follows.
1. Log in TACT.
2. Click your name that you can see upper right of the website.
3. Click “設定”(Setup)” and then “言語 (Language)”
3. Select “English” then click “設定を更新 (Update Settings)”