Application Guide for Extension of Period of Stay

Residence Status

For general information on status of residence, please click here.

Application Guide for Extension of Period of Stay

You can apply for visa extension at Nagoya Regional Immigration Bureau three months prior to the expiry date.

GSID students are required to have an interview with Associate Professor Sunate KAMPEERAPARB for the extension of period of stay.

Application Guide (Page 3~4 in English)

How to apply:

1.Please download “Application Form for certificates” and “Application for Extension of Period of Stay” from the website of the Student Affairs Division (NU-mado).

mado.> Log in with your  ID and Password > 配付・回収(Download & Submit) >【留学生】在留期間更新手続き Visa extension

2.Then Please fill in and upload them to NU-mado.

3.After upload the forms, you will receive an email, then please come to receive the application form prepared by NU at the Student Affairs Division.

It takes more than three days excluding Saturday, Sunday and national holidays.

There are cases that it takes about one week during busy season.

4.Once you receive this application form, you are required to submit it to the Immigration Bureau as soon as possible.

5.Upload the copy of your Acceptance evidence(申請受付票) to NU-mado after you submit it to the Immigration Bureau.

(If you apply online, please forward the application number notification e-mail from the Immigration Bureau to <>.)

6.After you obtain your new visa, please upload the copy of the both sides of your residence card to NU-mado immediately.

mado.> Log in with your  ID and Password > 配付・回収(Download & Submit) >【留学生】在留期間更新手続き Visa extension

If you can not access to NU-mado, please send the both sides of your new residence card to GSID office<> by email.

For other details, please refer to the Application Guide (Page 3~4 in English) above.

Contact us on Extension of Period of Stay

International Student Help Desk, Student Affairs Division Administrative Office for Humanities and Social Sciences
E-mail address for applying for visa extension)