GSID Students

Number of Current Degree-Seeking Students in GSID

Total 196 Students, including 168 International Students from 45 Countries/Regions (As of October 2024)

Number of Students

As of April 2024

Department of International Development Department of International Cooperation Studies Department of International Communication Department of International Development and Cooperation TOTAL %
Master’s Course Students 0 0 0 101 101
Female 0 0 0 67 67 66%
International 0 0 0 82 82 81%
Leave of Absence 0 0 0 3 3 3%
Doctoral Course Students 2 7 1 85 95
Female 2 4 0 35 41 43%
International 1 7 0 78 86 91%
Leave of Absence 1 3 0 16 20 21%
TOTAL 2 7 1 186 196
Female 2 4 0 102 108 55%
International 1 7 0 160 168 86%
Leave of Absence 1 3 0 19 23 12%
Research Students 14
Female 9 64%
International 14 100%
Special auditing student 0
Female 0 0%
International 0 0%