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Name *
Mail address *
Affiliation *
Note: Researchers meeting the following criteria are eligible to submit manuscripts: 1) faculty members and students of the Graduate School of International Development (GSID), Nagoya University; 2) those who have an affiliation with GSID such as foreign and domestic research fellows; and 3) those from whom the Editorial Committee has invited a submission. Faculty member of GSIDStudent of GSIDForeign or domestic research fellowOther
Year *
Department *
Main advisor's mail address *
Approval of main advisor *
I have gotten the approval of my main advisor.
Article Information
Category *
ArticleResearch noteBook reviewSurvey or training report
Title *
Number of words *
Please refer to the files below to count the number of words. ― English manuscript ― Japanese manuscript
How many times have you ever submitted this article? *
First submissionFirst revisionSecond revisionThird revision
Would you like the same reviewers as last time?
YesNoYou can change reviewers if this is the second revision.
Manuscript *
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File size limit: 10MB Allowed file type: Word
Result of a Turnitin Plagiarism Check *
Confirm that the author’s name has been removed from the manuscript before uploading. If the Turnitin similarity score is 15% and more, your main advisor’s letter is required.
File size limit: 10MB Allowed file type: PDF
If the Turnitin result similarity score is 15% or more, please submit an explanation letter written by your main advisor.
File size limit: 10MB Allowed file type: Word, PDF
If you are submitting a revised version, please upload a revised manuscript with a recorded history of changes (also upload a revised manuscript without a recorded history in the "Manuscript" section above).
If you are submitting a revision, please upload the response to the reviewers.
English language editing
Confirm that you have edited the manuscript with the premium version of Grammarly.
Format checklist *
Please check the format checklist here. (No submission required) Confirm that the manuscript has been prepared following the format checklist.
Confirmation Guideline *
Please check the Manuscript Submission Guidelines here. Confirm that you have seen, read and understood the Guidelines for Manuscript Submission to the Forum of International Development Studies.
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