Research projects

Industry-Academia Collaboration in TVET in Ethiopia: Comparison of Training Content between TVET

Ethiopia’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has an industry-academia training program called “cooperative training program” that aims to acquire skills needed in the labor market.  The program is designed to develop human resources that meet the needs of employers. After learning basic skills at TVET institutions, participants are expected to acquire practical skills through training at host companies. According to the government’s guidelines, the ratio of classes at the TVET institution to training at the host company is 3:7. However, according to previous studies, even after the introduction of this program, graduates of public TVET institutions still do not have sufficient skills to be accepted in the workplace. This study uses qualitative research methods to analyze whether the differences in “emphasized skills” and “steps of acquiring skills” between TVET institutions and host companies affect the acquisition of skills by students.

Research category
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Principal investigator
Project period (AY)
Reference URL